
Become An Investor At Systemise Technologies

A Global eCommerce Preparation Service & Order Fulfilment Licensing Network

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In January 2008, Kev and Kylie were proudly expecting their son, Theo at 18 years old. They wanted to provide the best foundation for him to avoid the tragic upbringing Kev experienced not having a father in life and nearly being placed in social care services after his mother became severely mentally ill and moved away unexpectedly to Germany.

Kev spent the next 7 years completing an Electrical Engineering apprenticeship to go onto achieving a first class Bachelor’s Degree fulfil his career goal to become an Electrical Engineer. 

Kylie spent the next 7 years completing an Hairdressing apprenticeship to go onto achieving a NVQ level 3 to fulfil her career goal to become a self employed hairdresser.

But something had seriously gone wrong by 2015. Despite successfully achieving career advances, Kev & Kylie’s lives had began to separate working long days, evenings and most weekends meaning more time was spent apart then being together as a family. Driven by love and family, lives were strained and then the news that their second expected child was on the way and was blessed with their daughter, Harper. This meant that something had to change.

Our business was formed in June 2015 when it was realised that eCommerce trends were growing year on year and building an eCommerce business would allow Kev & Kylie to work together, not separately. They started buying products at discount and clearance from retailers and selling for profit on Amazon using the Fulfilled By Amazon Program. Within 6 months Kev & Kylie had sold £130,000 and both bet their lives on the future of eCommerce to quit their careers to work all time.

In June 2016, we moved into a 2,000SqFT warehouse and began developing our eCommerce order fulfilment and shipping systems sharing our journey on social media which highlighted a rapidly growing gap in the market for the need of support for eCommerce businesses and brands to receive their products to store, prepare and ship products. Our YouTube channel began to grow with questions, engagement and enquires to use our warehouse and teams. Our Systemise Fulfilment service was born and we began to work with founding paying clients.  

Interest and more enquiries began to come in and over the next 4 years, we began shipping 100,000’s of products for our clients allowing us to develop a subscription based model allowing us to sustainably scale. In 2020, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our prediction of eCommerce being the future was realised in unfortunate events as the world went into lockdown and eCommerce growth accelerated and compressed a decade of organic growth into a period of months. 

Systemise Fulfilment moved into a 10,000SqFT warehouse while we focused on replicating our systems via licensing into our vision of a global franchise which now has 4 operational warehouses in the United Kingdom, 3 operational warehouses in the United States and 1 operational warehouse in Europe. 

Kev and Kylie bet their families lives on eCommerce with humble reasons which has resonated with a compelling solution to a problem which has now shipped over 2 million units, allowed others to quit their careers, build their teams and fulfil their own personal goals. This pitch deck will share with you our plan to build Systemise Technologies to an IPO exit with a company evaluation of over £1 billion. You will see our offer to join our exciting vision of the future and become our first lead investors to accelerate the growth of our organisation across the globe. 

We believe that the most sustainable and innovative business will be the ones that prosper long term, using technology, expanding systems around all growing major eCommerce markets while looking after our environment as we build.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kev & Kylie


Inconvenience travelling to stores because peoples lives are busier than ever with families, careers and responsibilities resulting in a rapidly declining high street.

Raising fixed costs for retail businesses and brands result in difficult long term sustainability.

Rapid eCommerce Growth with Amazon, eBay, Shopify and own websites is creating severe and crippling competition.

Risk of pandemic restrictions results in uncertainty for retail business and brands to forecast into the future in physical location. 


Systemise Fulfilment has revolutionised eCommerce Product Preparation & order fulfilment with it’s unique and rapid deployable Systemise Operating System and warehousing licensing model which can replicate systems to new or existing network of warehouses in all global markets without traditional high set up costs. 

Our full stack eCommerce and licensing approach gives retail businesses, brands and individuals a solution to rapidly take advantage of increasing eCommerce trends across the globes largest market places such as Amazon, eBay, Walmart and online traffic with social media meaning the use an existing established Preparation & Order Fulfilment Service like Systemise Fulfilment is a fast solution for retail business and brands to outsource their processing, shipping and order fulfilment.

Our high volume and high margin operations supporting our existing partners has resulted in fast growth taking us from humble beginnings at home in 2015, to our current 10,000 SqFT headquarter warehouse with 2 additional United Kingdom based operational licensed warehouses, 2 United States operational licensed warehouses and 1 Europe operational licensed warehouse in 2021 with a thriving customer base that has now been proven with over 40 million units shipped.

Our monthly subscription model and full stack eCommerce services gives our customers the foundation to exponentially scale there operations which allows us to build predictable and sustainable growth fuelled future.

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