How to Plan A Day Effectively


 Are you having days where you are getting distracted and you find yourself not making the most you possibly could out of your day? Are you looking for a way to plan out your day effectively, but you don't know how to. Well... here are some amazing things which you possibly could implement into your day to erase the regular occurrences.  

Eliminate Distractions 

If you are a business owner, maybe a parent, or in a career, and you want to achieve your goals in life, whether that is in health and fitness, social care, becoming an author - whatever your dream is and what you want to do, planning each day will never be more important, getting the most out of each day will never be more important. Because we live in a day and age where there are so many distractions, so many things that need your attention every day, and as for many business owners and entrepreneurs, getting started or just determined to build a life for themselves, it can feel rather overwhelming and quite stressful to the point where you feel as though you are not making much progress, or you feel as though you are being pulled by notifications, messages, emails, or thinking about the other things which you need to do.  

Focusing your intentions on your actions every day and how you plan by organizing and structuring your day, protects you from those distractions and it has never been more important than it is now. You need to create an ultimate vision  

For example, this is a picture of Kev’s ultimate vision.  

Set a Goal 

What you need to do is write a paragraph to yourself of what your ultimate goal is. So, if you think of yourself when you are like 80 or 90 years old and you are there telling a story to your grandchildren, what is your story? What adventures have you had? What have you experienced? What have you done, built or created? Who have you met? Where have you traveled to? This is the ultimate vision, and this is yours. You do not have to make it public in any way or even share it, but what doing this does is focus your intentions on what is important. And the same can be applicable to your business, you can have an ultimate vision for your business as well. Your business or the business you work for is a part of you.  

Doing exactly what Kev did is great, putting images that resonate with you and a paragraph. This puts a filter in your day to day, so that you know if a certain distraction is important at the current time and if it is getting you to the long-term vision of your life. The definition of effectively is different for everyone and you need to know what that definition is.

Proritise and Personal Development 

Everyone has different priorities and different things which are important to them. You may have a family, you may need to take care of your health and fitness, maybe you are into reading books and personal development and that is important to you, or you also like going out with your friends or partner. All these core main areas of life are important. So, by creating this ultimate vision based on everything important to you, it will make sure you know what is important to you and what you should be spending your time on.  

What you need to do is look at what you are doing each hour of the day – how long are you sleeping? What time are you waking up? What is your perfect day?  

A great thing to do is to have personal development in the morning where you maybe go for a run, listen to some music, read, meditate and refresh your goals. You need to have a formula for what you want to accomplish each day and that will mean a great day. Then, you need to specifically plan those hours.  

Let’s say you work for yourself or you are in a career, you should have those block times and be intention with everything that you have and look at your outcome during that block time. By having block times like this is a great concept Kev got from Deep Work.

The 6 Productivity Strategies to Integrate Deep Work into Your Professional  Lives | by James Le | Constraint Drives Creativity | Medium

Deep Work is a book that talks about having deep work sessions, whether that is for 45 minutes, 5 minutes or 90 minutes, whatever allows you to be able to get your work done. Then, you intentionally go onto social media to be distracted even more and have your down time. That is the idea of growth tasks. A maintenance task is like you are on a journey working towards your goals and at some point, you are going to have to bring somebody in or hire them. Or let’s say you have gone to the gym and you are making lots of progress, what is now your maintenance task? If you do not get a maintenance task or think about getting one, what it is going to do is it is going to decline again because you are not focused in on that area anymore. That is why, when you go to the gym, you have got to make that a habit to maintain the level that you are at. Or, if it is in your business and let’s say you are managing your emails and it is starting to get too much, having a growth task to hire someone to look after your email, what happens is that it is now going to be maintained.  


Interested more in effectively planning out your day as a business owner? 

You can gain access immediately after ordering the 3 Hour Audio Book. Perfect for Those Interested in Listening to Kev Read the Entire Book.

Further reading:
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