In this blog post, I am going to be talking about being a leader in your business and how to exactly do it. I am going to be talking about the key things to think about when it comes to leading your business.
The first thing, In Kev's opinion, one of the key things about leadership is having a vision. When you talk about a vision, an ultimate vision for you, it isn't all about changing the entire planet or changing humanity, sometimes it is just about changing your own life, and your own family's life.
So, if you are going into the unknown, and if you for example are a business owner, or an entrepreneur, and you want to take massive action and make it happen, then you may be coming from a family who has never done anything like this before. You may be going into the unknown, where you have no idea what exactly you are doing, but that is okay, because you are being a leader in your business, and you are being a leader of your life and your family's life.
For Kev, back in 2015, he was going with the traditional route, so for Kev to start a business part time, his family were looking at him and being on his side, wanting to make it happen. This is because Kev had a vision, he saw his future better than it was then.
One of the key aspects of leadership is, no matter what it is that you are doing, no matter what it is that you want to do, always see your future as a greater vision, always see better than how it is currently, and that also applies throughout your entire business.
If you are going to be a leader in your business, then that has to be the first part - have a compelling and inspiring vision, something which lifts you up, something which gets you up first thing in the morning, something which makes you want to stay up late at night, and there aren't enough hours in the day, something which gives you some energy and some passion, to put your absolute all in.
Having the courage to go into the unknown. Lot's of people think that when they are going on a journey, and they are taking massive action, they feel at some point that you are not going to be fearful and you are not going to be scared of the unknown. Courage is your ability to take action despite of the fear. Fear is always going to be there with you, but it is the leaders who have the courage, even when things are falling down, even when things are breaking, even when things are being burnt down to the ground; you see them run it, because they have the courage. They're fearful, but they are still there, because they know what their mission is, and they know what they need to do. Throughout Kev's personal journey, and throughout our journey, every time, we have had to make some sort of commitment into the unknown, whether that is quitting your job, whether that is moving into your first or second warehouse, every little step away is about having the courage to step up.
One of the most important things you need to harness is your psychology, your mental energy, your physical energy, your spiritual energy, and having that drive, mission, desire and that consistency is because of energy. No matter what it is that you are after, you have got the vision, you are going to pull through, and you are going to make it happen. How long are you willing to go before you give in? How long are you willing to go in before you put in the white flag? You can't give up. You need to have a pull and motivation to get up in the morning; when you have got the fuel like the sun, it will give you the drive.
Would you like to learn more on how to generate energy for your business?
One of the things which is going to be super important within your business, one of the things which is going to be important to you, is the recruitment of team members. Whatever your vision is, what you need to do is you need to sell that vision, you need to be a salesman. If you have the goals to achieve anything that you want, if you want to become a leader or manager, if you want to become someone who builds and starts businesses, you need to sell that, you need to sell the dream that you have, because the people in your team will then start to believe it - they will start to see it, and they will then make it happen.
People want to feel like they are a part of something bigger, so if you are building a business, no matter how small it is, no matter how big it is, you never want to lose that energy and drive which you can give to other people.
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Being an initiator, initiating actions. Instead of being a follower, instead of standing around not knowing what to do, you step up, you find solutions, you try to find the solutions to problems, you try to create systems for your business, you step up and you innovate, you create, invent, you are initiating action. You are the one coming up with the idea, you aren't just standing around waiting for someone to tell you what to do - you are the one deciding what you are going to do, and you are going to decide how you are going to do it.
Further reading:
Should You Just Follow Others In Building Your Amazon FBA Business?
How to Outsource Your Purchasing In Online Arbitrage
How to Find the Right Warehouse
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