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Systemise Fulfilment Sponsors Quadruple Champion | Ben Fahey


Systemise Fulfilment is proud to announce the sponsorship of Ben Fahey, a quadruple champion!

Ben Fahey joined Systemise Fulfilment when he attended one of our local career and recruitment days. He was successful in his interview showing signs of motivation, drive and passion to be successful. 

He very quickly passed his trial and hs probation going from strength to strength. When there was an opening for a team leader position, Ben applied and showed his leadership abilities taking the role with flying colours! 

What is amazing about Ben is he is also a very successful Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter. In fact, very successful having achieved 4 championship belts. 

Systemise Fulfilment proudly sponsors Ben in his efforts and promotes his leadership abilities inside and outside of work.

Click Here To Follow Ben On Instagram 

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