Why A Prep Service May Be the Perfect Solution For Your Amazon Business


Lots of people consider a prep service, because a prep service allows you to save time, to save space, and you don't see all of the boxes, the filler and the materials etc.

Systemise Fulfilment

So I am creating this blog post for you, if you are potentially interested in a prep service this year, because we have had a lot of updates, and our experience with working with customers just keeps growing. Kev and Kylie, the business owners, have been on both sides - they have been sellers, and now they have had the pleasure of serving current partners. They always have new customers shipping.

Kev and Kylie have a membership system, which can ultimately help resellers. Originally we have just had the Gold and Platinum Package, but recently we have just added the Bronze and Silver Package.

Here at Systemise Fulfilment, we don't just pride ourselves as a prep service, we also offer additional bonuses and training. Your success is our success, and we would love to help you on your journey.

The best Package we have is most definitely our platinum package, where you can be more handsfree and focus more on your business rather than in, and we will also create your shipments for you.

On top of this, you will have access to 4 sourcing lists, which change weekly, and access to your own personal Slack channel, where you will have our entire team to answer questions which you have during your journey.

Although this is our most valuable package, other packages may benefit you differently depending on what you are looking for, and what you are needing.

 There will be a 30 day free trial during your signup, so that you can dip your feet into the water. :-)

If you would like to learn more on our packages, check out our website here: 


A Prep Service

If you are initially interesting in coming to a prep service, you can save time, save cost on materials, and you can save all the space in your living room. Back in 2015, Kev had all those products around the living room, hallway, kitchen and absolutely everywhere. What Kev didn't know about was a prep service, so this could be a solution for you, and if you are interested, I am going to share with you exactly how it works.

How a Prep Service Works

Kev's warehouse is a 10,000SQFT warehouse, so he has a lot of room. There is a lot of space to be able to ship products every single day. We also have a mature team, who have been together for years. The speed and accuracy of our shipping is something we really focus on, and also our communication as well.


When it comes to communication, we communicate with you in real time, which means that you get enrolled into Slack channel, and then the staff here at Systemise Fulfilment are able to communicate with you all the time. 

You will be enrolled by our customer support, finance and HR manager Charlotte, who will take care of you, and you will have access to each department, so that we can answer all your questions, and let you know everything that is happening with your shipments. 

If you would like to learn more about slack, check out the video below:

Slack Review | PCMag


Once you get started, we are then ready to accept your products. Your products will come into our warehouse, and then there will be boxes delivered all the time £2.50 per box, and we have got a fantastic relationship with couriers and amazing relationships all around.

The products will come in, and you will have a shelf which is designated to you - it is your private shelf. 

Once your products are logged in, we have inspected your products and made sure there isn't any damage and made sure that they are the right products, we then put it on your shelf. Then, once you have got enough for that shipment, depending on what member you are, if you are a platinum member, they are going to create the shipment on your behalf. So you don't even need to create the shipment yourself. 

If you're not a platinum member, then you are going to have to create the shipment, send us the labels, then we are going to go to the prepping stations (the streams).

And once the shipment is created, we then get access to your shipment quality control. This shipment quality control comes from Amazon, so we are going to know what the products are, we are going to know the ASINS, we are going to know preps required, whether it is bubble wrap, bagging, or taping, whatever it is, we are going to have the labels either from you or from us in your account.

Then, we are going to look at your items, make sure that they are properly prepped, stick the right labels on, then it is going to go over to the verification. Then, this will end up in the box. We have new boxes, old boxes, and we make sure that everything is packed away correctly for your shipment, then UPS will collect it - and all of this will happen in the same day - we are very quick at getting your products in and out.

man standing in front of DHL truck door

Now What? 

For you guys who are interested in learning how to build this business, and you may not have the time for the prep, you can get enrolled in an education programme/training programme, which Kev calls his Online Arbitrage Mastery Programme, which you can join, and you can go through that training simultaneously to being a prep service partner. If you are also interested in wholesale, we can help you get a wholesale account by using the images of the warehouses, we will work with you, and give you everything you need to open wholesale accounts, so that you can get pallets shipped here as well. We are also currently working very hard on wholesale lists too, for platinum members :-)

If you are interested in the Online Arbitrage Master Programme, check it out here:

Online Arbitrage Mastery Course

Further reading:

How to Find the Right Warehouse

Want Your Own Amazon FBA Business Warehouse? (This COULD Be The Strategy For You)

Should You Just Follow Others In Building Your Amazon FBA Business?

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