3 Reasons Why Hiring New Team Members Fail

business Nov 05, 2021

In this blog post, you are going to learn the 3 major reasons why hiring new team members fail, and these 3 reasons are 100% avoidable just by taking action in the right way.

Prepare Your Business

The first reason why hiring may fail for you is by not preparing your business; prepare your business for hiring. You need to have to have the preparation in place, and the clarity on what it is that you are hiring for. 

A lot of people, will just go straight out onto Upwork, or straight out onto onlinejobs.ph, or Freelancer.com, or whatever it may be, and they will just go create the post and hire someone, but not taken the time to prepare their business.

What do I mean by preparing the business? 

You need to take the time to prepare your business, by firstly, creating the documentation in your business. The person you are hiring, needs to know what your business is all about, so it is all about that business objective, what your business is doing, and what the objective of your business is, and your principles. 

It is so important to set this before you go and have interviews. Your organisational charts, your business structure, how it looks, what you are building, where is the person going to fit into your operation? You need to get really clear on this, and prepare your business before going out on the hiring process. 

The majority of the time, the big failures come when you are not prepared to hire. So, really think about the staff roles and the objectives, and what it is that you are hiring for. 

Filtering Bad Applicants From the Good Applicants 

The second reason why hiring will fail is simply failing to identify shortlists, and the right applicants from what they say. 

When you are trying to hire someone, whether that is a virtual assistant, or you are going onto Upwork and you are hiring someone, when you create your job post, you are going to want to do it in your favour, so that it is telling you a lot about applicants. For example, if Kev were hiring for his brand, Life Success Engineer, say Kev wanted to hire someone to edit his video, and he was looking for a video editor to help him edit, he would create a job post out on Upwork, and he would make the paragraph really big and ugly, and he would make it quite difficult to read, sharing who he is and what the role is, and in the middle, Kev would put something like, "Find my YouTube channel and see how many subscribers I have" And start your application with the number of subscribers, because this filters the people who are potentially not reading your job post. 

So, a common failure would be, you want to be professional, so you have to create a job post which is really neat and in bullet points, and make it quite easy for someone to understand, but don't do that - be quite difficult, ugly and long, especially if you are hiring online. 

So, if you are hiring physically, that is not going to be the same process, but if you are trying to hire a virtual assistant using Upwork for example, then try making it quite difficult, because then you are going to be able to filter out those people who are not paying attention. 

Having a Solid On-boarding & Training Process  

The third reason is the whole on-boarding process.  The job is not complete unless they are really onboard onto your business, and they are capable with the competence to do the tasks themselves. 

A lot of people may go out and put a job advertisement on, they go through the interviews, and they get someone in and they get working with them. But, a lot of the time, it isn't in a structured format, like week one, you will do this, week 2, you will do this etc. 

Create a syllabus of what they need to do. What this does is it gives them the care, the support, and the structure on what they are going to be doing, what they are going to be learning, and what they are going to be incorporated into your operations.  

This goes hand-in-hand with the appraisals, having a conversation with them, be honest, where they fit into your business in terms of the performance. Is it good performance? Is it bad performance? And having that one-on-one conversation in a private setting, gives the ability to have that conversation and feel like they are a part of something bigger - they are a part of your business.

Further reading:

Warning Before You Move Your Amazon FBA Business into a Warehouse

How You Can Open 3 Wholesale Accounts In 24 Hours

Amazon FBA Wholesale For Beginners Step by Step Full Course - Checklist For Exclusive Brand Deals

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