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How Can You Start A Business With No Money?

amazon fba business Sep 22, 2021

Honestly, if you are asking the question, "How do I start a business, or build a business with no or little money", then you are in the wrong place. The first action is to get a job. 

Get a Job

Building a business with no money, and if you have got a family, if you have got responsibilities, if you have got your house, bills and food to pay for, then you don't want to be starting a business with no money, and with no job. You need to get stability, you need to get that security, knowing that you have got some money coming in. If you are trying to build a business under stress, with anxiety, under pressure, then you are not going to be successful, because you are going to be focused on wrong thing, your focus will be on the money you are trying to get in every day.

Learn more here to see if you are ready to quit your job: 10 Considerations If You Are Going to Quit Your Job For Business

8 Considerations If you Are Going to Quit Your Job for Your Business


The real action to take, the real sensible action for you to take, to give you the best chance to be successful in your business.

If you have got little to no money, you need to firstly start off with a job. Then, what you can do is, you can look at your expenses, you can see how much money you are spending month out of that job, and the reality is that you are going to have to sacrifice, get rid of your Netflix, get rid of Sky Television, get rid of your subscriptions, get rid of going out over the weekends, and sacrifice to get a portion of money every single month, that you can now invest in a business.


Now what you can do is you can start to invest in your business. There are two types of investment in your life, if you are looking to get started. The little bit of money which you can save up, that you can get a pot for your side hustle, your business, and you work your face off - it's blood, sweat and massive action tears. Get up one hour earlier, go to bed one hour later. When you are at work, instead of having your morning cup of coffee, your break, your dinnertime, you are there reading the newspaper - work, build a business. Every single moment of the day. wake up and build the business.

You have got a little bit of money, but if you have got the heart, the tenacity, the energy, and if you have the drive to sacrifice your weekends, sacrifice your nights and your mornings, then you can build a business.

Watch this video here to see some of the investments which Kev has made: 

What Type of Business Do You Build?

There are many, many options of businesses that you can build, you can build businesses online or offline. Kev would recommend online. This is going to give you a lot more leverage. Of course you can create an offline business. You can get a bucket and sponge, and you can clean cars, this isn't going to cost you much money, and you may make good profit from it. There are also so many other options which you can take for offline businesses.

But online, what do you do online? If you want to build a business and you are part time, you are going to want to decide what type of business. Do you want to build an eCommerce business, using the likes of Amazon, where you're sourcing products, sourcing profitable products, which you can flip and turn around, you can invest in to buy low and sell high.

Retail Arbitrage

There are many other business models like this, which you can use on Amazon, such as retail arbitrage, where you go into stores, scan items, see what you can buy items for, to then see what you can sell it for on Amazon for more money.

Kev has some great videos on his YouTube talking about RA (Retail Arbitrage) see here:

Online Arbitrage

And online arbitrage is doing this online. You have got books, you can go to second-hand and charity stores, where they have got books for sale for 50p and £1, and you can make them available for sale - a physical products business, which you can flip on Amazon for more money - Amazon FBA.

Amazon FBA is a fantastic opportunity, where you can basically buy at your local retail stores, your charity stores, used or new, whatever you want to do - you are basically taking advantage of the market place, buying low and selling high. It is one of the most physically, practical business models that you can build, which anybody can get started with. All it needs is blood, sweat and massive action tears, and a small investment. 

If you were to rank the levels of investments, when it comes to an Amazon business, you have now got books, you can use products 50p, 75p, £1, you can put £10 in, £20 in, and you can get started small to build up. 

Learn more information on OA (Online Arbitrage) here:

Online Arbitrage For Beginners STEP BY STEP Full Course Part 1: Amazon FBA Business Overview

Online Arbitrage Business Overview Best Tips


If you want to go to a retail or online arbitrage, you may now need to save up a couple of hundreds of pounds - the more the better. The more that you have to invest, the more likelihood you can buy and invest in your products.


There is also wholesale. Wholesale is even more money, but it needs you to be in your job to invest. This is a physical products business.

Learn more on wholesale here: 

Information-Based Product

What's another business that you could build? Well, you could get into something, like an information-based product. You can build information products. Everything is free nowadays. When you think of social media platforms - Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, all the main social media platforms are free.

You can build an entire business off of the phone that you have already got, as long as it has got a camera. And if you have got a phone right now, which has been made in the last 5 years, you have got a camera good enough to create videos, create videos on a specific niche that you want to support people with. Instead of consuming social media, and looking at what your neighbours are doing, and what your friends from two decades at school are doing, you can start to use social media to your advantage, and become of service to a group of people.

Decide on a group of people who you want to serve, who you want to help with. Let's say that once upon a time, you have lost weight, you have done something successful, where you have got a story to share, you have done something where you have a real result, and you have made a real difference to your life - you can share that story, and you can share what you have done, and you can start to create content around that.

If you have lost weight, you can start to help other people to lose weight for completely free, just in your part time. Every day, get into social media platforms, go around communities where you can help other people, be of service to other people, create a YouTube channel, create a Facebook page, create a Facebook group, create an Instagram profile, start helping people, completely free, by taking photographs, talking to a camera, and what is going to happen over time is you are going to attract people to you, and by doing that, they are going to ask questions, and you are going to solve people's problems. 

And if you start to solve people's problems, if there are people who are attracted to you, because you are being of service, and if they have got a problem which needs solving, you can create something which solves that problem. This is also a business.

Further reading:

Fulfilment By EBAY?!! Amazon FBA’s Competitor MUST Get This Right If They Are To Compete

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