How To Make More Money (Do This Everyday)

self-improvement Sep 16, 2022

Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. This is a lesson, a life philosophy, which Kev was taught for the very first time back in 2015 from a gentleman named Jim Rohns, and he had gone through 25 years of his life, going through school, college, university, and nobody had said it to him in that way. And so, I am going to be breaking down this for you in this blog post. 

"Work harder on yourself than you do on your job". When Kev first heard this, he thought to himself how this is backwards from what he was taught. It was work hard on your job, and work hard on your business. But when you think about it, he added the next philosophy, which was, "You get paid for the value you provide to the marketplace". This means that you are not being paid for the time, but for the value which you give to your employer or marketplace. You get paid for the value, not time. 

man operating laptop on top of table

So, when it comes to making more money every single day, the more you invest in yourself - the more you challenge yourself to be better, more skilled, learn, experience, give more energy, provide as much as you can, support, encouragement, learn new things, test new things. - The more you work on yourself, the more you will have to give. It is one of the most life-changing philosophies which Kev had personally never heard before.

The goal here is for you every single day to try learning a little bit more. What books are you reading? What podcasts are you listening to? What information are you trying to imply into your life? Are you trying to become more productive? Are you trying to become more confident? Are you trying to work on your communication? Are you trying to work on your presentation? Trying to be more supportive to your colleagues, to your friends, and your team in your business, the customers and partners which you have, and the masterminds. The more that you work on yourself, the more that you have to give.

people sitting on chairs watching a game

Jim Rohns said work harder on yourself than you do your job. If you work hard on your job, you will make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you will be able to make a fortune. It is because you are paid in proportion to the value you provide to the marketplace - you don't get paid for the time.

He also mentioned, is it possible for you to get paid twice the amount of someone else in the same time? It it possible for someone to get paid £10 pound an hour, and another person get paid £100? Of course. Because it is not about what you get paid in the hour, it is about the value which you present in the hour. It is about leverage. How much leverage you give to your manager or employer. Work on the small things, how can you become more punctual? How can you become more organised? How can you become more productive? What skills are you learning? What books are you reading? What courses are you going through? What seminars are you attending? What mastermind groups are you getting around? What challenges are you putting on yourself? What are you learning about? Who are you surrounding yourself by? What are you feeding the mind every day? The more that you grow, the more that you have got to give; Therefore, you will attract opportunity. Your employer, your business your partners, your customers will know that, because you will becoming more supportive and more valuable, you are being more productive and getting more things done. 

fan of 100 U.S. dollar banknotes

So, the goal here is, if you want to make more money, then do this every single day!

Further reading:


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