How To Make More Money (Do This Everyday)


Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. This is a lesson, a life philosophy, which Kev was taught for the very first time back in 2015 from a gentleman named Jim Rohns, and he had gone through 25 years of his life, going through school, college, university, and nobody had said it to him in that way. And so, I am going to be breaking down this for you in this blog post. 

"Work harder on yourself than you do on your job". When Kev first heard this, he thought to himself how this is backwards from what he was taught. It was work hard on your job, and work hard on your business. But when you think about it, he added the next philosophy, which was, "You get paid for the value you provide to the marketplace". This means that you are not being paid for the time, but for the value which you give to your employer or marketplace. You get paid for the value, not time. 

man operating laptop on top of table

So, when it comes to making more money every single day, the more you invest in yourself - the more you...

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