Ultimate Success Formula To Achieving Your Goals & Resolutions (Tony Robbins 5 Steps)

amazon fba business Sep 23, 2021

In this blog post, I am going to be inspiring you to take action with the ultimate success formula. Kev has just learnt it, he has gone through it, and he has been introduced to it a few times. So I wanted to write this blog post, to make it available to you, because this is how you take action and this is how you be successful - this is the ultimate success formula. If you follow this 5 step formula, you will be successful. No doubt about it, you will be successful.

Know Your Outcome

What is it that you want to do? What is your goal? What is your dream? What is your vision? Be absolutely crystal clear on what your outcome is. Clarity is power. Know your outcome. If you want to lose weight, how much? If you want to be muscular, how muscular? Exactly how much? You want to start a business, what business? You want to make money, how much money? Know your outcome with absolute clarity. 

Take Action

It will work or it won't work. No matter what, you have worked out whether you are making progress, or you are not making progress. That is it. You need to take action. Decide right now that you are going to take action. What can you do immediately to force yourself to take action?

Learn how to take massive action here: 

clap board roadside Jakob and Ryan

Know What You Are Getting

Once you start taking action, you will get something, whether that is good or bad, it is all the same. Know what you are getting. Have something in place to recognise what you are getting. Be flexible, are you getting a positive towards your outcome, or are you going towards the back? Are you going negative?

If You Are NOT Getting What You Want, Change Your Approach

 Don't continue doing the same thing. If you are taking action, if you taking massive action, and you are not getting where you want to be, make sure that you can change your approach.


This is the biggest one, and Kev believes that this has definitely impacted his life. If you want something successful in your life, find a role model, find a mentor, find someone who has that exact success that you want, and do the same. Do not change the approach. If you are successful in replicating what they are doing, you will get the success that they have; do the exact same thing as them. Don't try to do it yourself, and don't make it up. Find a role model.  

Find them, find out their journey, find out what it is that they did to become successful.

Learn how to find a mentor here:


Further reading:

Fulfilment By EBAY?!! Amazon FBA’s Competitor MUST Get This Right If They Are To Compete

How To Recruit & Train Your Virtual Assistants

How to Find the Right Warehouse

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