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3 Tips To Ensure You Achieve Your Goals

business Mar 04, 2022

In this blog post, I am going to be talking about how you can achieve your goals. It is important for you to be motivated and inspired so that you can achieve these goals that you set for yourself at the beginning of the year.

In this blog post, I am going to be talking specifically on how you can achieve your goals, give yourself the best opportunity and chance to achieve the goals that you set for yourself.

A lot of people, in February, only 2 months later, have already started to give up on the goals which they have set themselves for their New Year's Revolutions, and there are some really specific and crucial reasons for that - people simply get discouraged, and they fall back into their day and day living.

You Have to Make It a Must

You have to get to a point where you make it a must. That is the most critical aspect of you achieving anything. If you make it a must - if you make anything a must, it will happen.

How does that happen? How do you make something a must? That is just reaching that emotional threshold, where it is more painful for you to not achieve that goal. So, if you are working on something and you set out with good intentions, and you don't follow through, get discouraged, and fall back into your old ways, that just simply means that it is not a must for you - it is still a want to do something, not a must.

 People get their must's, not their should's, you have to make it a must. 

There is a very effective which you can use to flip the switch. As human beings, we are driven by pain and pleasure. We will do whatever it takes to avoid pain, and we will seek pleasure as much as we can. You need to condition and trick yourself into believing it is more painful for you to not achieve the goal.

black traffic light under blue sky

Make a Goal Compelling

You need a goal compelling, you need to make it something which you are excited about. Not just brand-new excitement. A lot of people fall down because the excitement of achieving the goal is exciting for them. But then, within 2 or 3 weeks, they haven't got the instant success which they were wanting, so they get discouraged. You need to focus on the process - you need to be in love with the process. You need to be excited about the process, not the result. The result is simply a byproduct of the process.

ball under basketball ring

Your environment 

Your environment is so critical. You need to appreciate that you become who you surround yourself with. You become what you consume all day. If you consume the news all day, you will think about how terrible the world is, because that is what the news is telling you. If you read the paper, or if you are surrounded by negative people who are complaining about the government or the taxes, you will, unfortunately, become part of the crowd and you will start to be negative, too. 

man in black t-shirt and blue shorts standing on rock near lake during daytime

Further reading:

How To Achieve Goals - 3 Tips To Ensure You Achieve Them

How You Can Open 3 Wholesale Accounts In 24 Hours

How to Make Your Business Easy to Sell

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