How to Overcome Fear

business Mar 04, 2022

In this blog post, I am going to be talking about a topic that impacts us all, and that is how to overcome fear of the future, the unknown, your life, and your business. The point of this blog post, is for me to share some of the things which Kev has come to learn to face up to a fear, and really being aware of his insecurities - why he is feeling scared or worried taking an action.

Since 2015, Kev, Kylie and the team have been going into the unknown, as they took the leap into entrepreneurship. Fear can come in all parts of life; becoming a parent, taking a new job, starting a relationship, starting a business, or quitting your job. 

There is a lot in life, especially after all we have gone through e.g, the pandemic, COVID-19, the uncertainty of what's happening - inflation, rising costs, difficulties, schools, and just trying to live everyday life - navigating and trying to manage everything, which may feel like the weight of the world on your shoulders. Amongst that, you may have goals and ambitions which you want to take action on, and you have all these things going on.

Fear is never going to go away, no matter how much you face, and how much you grow in your life. Fear is a part of everybody, it is a part of your human nature, and if it weren't for fear, then people would be incredibly reckless. Fear is there to help you survive - fear is there to keep you alive. You are always, subconsciously, going to be looking out for danger. Whether you know it or not, crossing the road, driving your car, walking up to a stranger, you are always going to naturally instinctively have fear, because you are going to be thinking of danger, and you're overthinking what could happen. 

There are a couple of things which Kev comes to when it comes to how to prepare yourself, to increase the ability for you to work and face up to fears. Your comfort-zone becomes more and more, and you grow as a person. 

Accept That It Is Okay to Be Fearful 

You must take acknowledgment that it is okay to be fearful, and it is never going to go away. It doesn't matter. Even if you achieve the goal that you are looking towards, maybe it is fear of a relationship, or you're fearful of starting that business, or that business action. Even once you take that action, there will just be something else which will happen in your life, which you are working towards, and you will be fearful again. 

It is okay to feel that fear. You need to accept it. If you weren't fearful, then emotion is a natural byproduct of us being alive, it allows you feel alive and go on, and decide that whatever you decide to do, you know you felt it emotionally, and therefore, it makes it feel even more real what you're about to do. It is about acceptance that it is never going to go, then secondly, you reframe this as something that can be a really powerful feel - powerful for you to be more understanding of what is making you scared, fearful, or giving you anxiety. So, you become more self-aware of what your inner-thoughts are.

At that point, you can be proactive, when it comes to setting up your life the best way you possibly can. 

persons right foot on white wall

Start to Built Walls Around You

After you start accepting it, you then need to proactively start building walls around you. You must build a dam around you. The reality is, with a wall or anything that you want to build, it is brick by brick. You are taking small little actions over a long period of time, and over a long period of time, that helps you. 

From 1-10, if right now, every day, you are operating from a level two, everything might be scary to you, everything might give you fear. If something comes along which is a 4, you are going to be fearful. Anything that is an 8, 9 or 10, it is going to give you a severe amount of stress and anxiety, and fearfulness. What you want to do is see this scale of 1-10, as like building blocks in your life. Think to yourself how you can become a 2 or a 3, then how do you become a 4, how do you then become a 5? It's not something that happens instantly. It is something you build and gradually build up on. 

Just like building a wall, you layer the foundations, you lay the first row of bricks, then the second and third, and what does this actually look like? 

The first thing is to cut out as much negativity as you possibly can in your life, anything from what you see, what you hear, and where you spend most of your time, and what it is that you are seeing subconsciously all the time, whether that is on social media, the news, the newspapers, magazines, stories, people that you follow, and YouTube channels which you watch. What is it that is coming to you most of your time? 

You need to become conscious of what you are watching, what you are reading, and the people who you let in your life.

brown brick wall

Think About Your Goals 

You have the pleasure of the things that you want to achieve, but there is also the negatives, like the pain and fear. One of the things which is super powerful, is to start stacking, like what if you don't take this action? What if you don't give this a shot? What if you don't say this? What if you don't do that? Then this turns into regret, and makes you think about what would be different if you did have the courage to take the action, and if it doesn't work out, then so be it. But you can live with yourself that you took that action. 

Try to stack as much as you can that means something to you. If you're quite family-orientated, and family-driven, then you can use that. What stories could you tell your grandkids? What examples can you show your children? 

You should think to yourself, that you should take the action, because that then is going to be a great story to tell. It is going to be difficult, but you need to be down on your knees with blood, sweat and tears every single day, then you are going to have a story to tell if you make it out on the other side. And if you don't you can say that you tried your hardest.

Learn more about goal setting here:


soccer goal on brown field

Further reading:

How To Achieve Goals - 3 Tips To Ensure You Achieve Them

How You Can Open 3 Wholesale Accounts In 24 Hours

How to Make Your Business Easy to Sell

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