Sophie’s Top 5 Tips to Getting the Most Performance from Your Amazon FBA Virtual Team


Sophie has been working with virtual assistants a lot herself in her own business, for the last 3 or so years; her company Resource Worldwide had placed virtual assistants in over 100 companies in August 2020, from when they first started in December 2019. So, Sophie is pretty familiar with virtual assistants, they definitely know how to work with their team to get the absolute best result out of them. 

Something which seems to be happening a lot, is confusion around how to get the best out of virtual assistants. So...this is what is what we are going to be talking about in this blog post.

Be Clear & Concise 

One of the key things here is when you set tasks for your team members, make sure you are very clear and concise with it. You don't want them to mess up or not get the criteria right because you haven't explained in enough or clear detail for them to understand specifically what you want.

Print Out Key Performance Indicators 

So, if I am talking...

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How To Recruit & Train Your Virtual Assistants


In this blog post, you are going to learn how to train your virtual assistants. This is going to be an ultimate step by step demo/guide, where I am going to share with you every step of the way, whether that is recruiting virtual assistants, hiring virtual assistants, then the best practises, in planning your training, in terms of what tools to use, where to train them, how to train them and I am going to leave no stone unturned. 

If you are currently looking for virtual assistants in your business, then you have come to the right place. Kev has had virtual assistants from the Philippines, India, Serbia, and a great team from around the world and at multiple continents. And throughout the last 6 or so years, Kev has learnt a lot when it comes to recruiting, training and systemising the business which he has. 

This is the time for you to utilise virtual assistants. If you don't know what a virtual assistant is, this is an assistant for you, who could be based anywhere...

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