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Day 2 - eCommerce Super Affiliate Marketing Challenge 2022

affiliate marketing Apr 19, 2022

This is day 2 of the 5 day super affiliate marketing challenge, where today, we are going to be starting and kicking off the creation of your online assets. These online assets will be the wealth generation for years and years to come in your business. 

We are now going to be setting up your online assets.

If you have missed day 1, make sure you check it out here:

Offline VS Online Assets

I am going to give you some insights and differences between the two, because this is very important, and it will show how you can actually generate wealth long term.

How to Build Value Of Online Assets 

\We will be talking about how you can build value from online assets in this section.

Where to Start Building? 

We are going to try our best to break this down into actionable steps, and think about where you can start, and what actions you can take today, to start and get this ball rolling.

The Most Valuable Asset

Here, I am going to share the most valuable asset. This is something which we are going to want to nurture, this is something which we are going to want to continue to build. This is going to be something really valuable for you going into the future. 

Examples Of Assets

I am going to share with you exactly what Kev has. I want to share examples of these with you, so you can actually see what we are building towards, then we are going to go into an encore implementation. 

Offline VS Online Assets 

What is an online asset? An offline asset? Well...the best way to describe this to you is doing a comparison to offline assets. You will know what an asset is, it is something that can generate wealth, it is something that can generate you cashflow. But, let me just share with you a comparison of the two.

Offline Asset

Let's start off with offline, before the internet, before we were able to communicate via online, before we were all connected, there was no internet. There are a number of different offline assets, but the most common, the most well known is a building, a house, some type of a physical asset - real estate, warehouse, store, house, hotel - it can be anything. 

If you owned real estate, if you owned buildings, if you had lots of different property, over time, what then starts happening is it starts growing in value. Houses 40 years ago are a lot more expensive now, property and warehouses - anything, is a lot more expensive now. 

Online Asset

The internet has revolutionised the way that we live our lives, everything from connectivity, everything from technology, business, relationships - you name it. The internet has completely transformed the way we live our lives, from efficiency, to productivity, to absolutely everything, and that's why the rate of evolution is so vast - everything from 30 - 30 years ago, and now we are connected by our phones. 

Before there was no connectivity, you used to have to send letters, then there was email, then, all of a sudden, we can do video calling, we can watch videos anywhere in the world with just an internet connection. 

What does an online asset look like? Well, online, if you think about it, there are millions upon millions of people that are online every single day, on YouTube, Facebook, Google, and Instagram - there are millions of people everywhere.

There are so many different assets which you could build online. If you think of Facebook, Facebook has around 2 billion users every single month. Facebook is an asset, but instead of actually consuming Facebook and being on the Facebook marketplace, and looking through the Facebook feed, and you just consume it. What happens if you just suddenly flip that to building instead. Suddenly, you can start having your own online real estate on Facebook. This could be in the form of a Facebook group, community, and a Facebook page. 

You could also run your own YouTube channel. YouTube has billions of people on it every single month. There are hours and hours of videos being watched and being searched for, entertainment, news, learning - you name it, people are trying to improve themselves, trying to build businesses, trying to learn from other people. 

If you think about it, over time, what is happening with your YouTube channel, it is increasing more and more. And with your Facebook community, over time, more and more people are going to find it. 

If you think of Instagram, TikTok. Twitter, LinkedIn - these are all social platforms, that over time, each of these are naturally growing. So, these are online assets.

When it comes to affiliate marketing it is about actually building these online assets.

How to Build Value Of Online Assets?

How do you build that value?

Well, firstly, what we need to do is to set up the foundations of these online assets. You need to create a Facebook group, you need to create a YouTube channel, you need to create a website or a LinkedIn profile, Instagram, or a TikTok. There are a lot of online assets which you could build, one of the things we are going to talk about, is just picking a single online asset which you can focus on to start with, because if you start to do too many things at once, it can become overwhelming. It takes time to build assets.

How do you actually start to build these online assets once when have been started up?

There is only really one way online. If you think of what the internet is, what is the internet? The internet is just information - it is just data. That information is represented in multiple ways. If you think of the fundamentals of what the internet is, it is just data and information, and that information is coming through to us via online in a number of different ways through the single best thing, which is content. Everything you see online is all simply content. 

What are the different types of content?

We have videos, which is one form of content, we also have audio - podcasts, we also have written content - the text and information on websites, there are images. What will happen if someone watches one of your videos, if you are providing value, they might join your Facebook group, or subscribe to your YouTube channel. If they find something on Google, and they read your blog posts, this is fantastic - they may subscribe to your website. 

There are so many different types of content. 

Where to Start Building?

It ultimately comes down to 3 different things. Not all online assets are created equally, it is going to take a lot of hard work, determination, focus and energy. But it ultimately comes down to 3 different things.

man kneeling on unfinished building during daytime


The first one is passion. You are going to need to have a passion to do this. When I talk passion, passion needs to be something which you are willing to stick with for a long long time, because if you're passionate about something, and that's the reason why, whatever medium you choose, video, audio, written, images - if you're not passionate about a certain something, then don't do it - pick what you're actually passionate about, because you're going to need passion to start with this.


The second one is value. You have got to provide value in what you are sharing. There are different types of value, but specifically in eCommerce and in helping others build their business. If it's valuable content, sharing tips and tricks, stories, failures - that becomes valuable, because you're not just making people money, saving people's times, but you're changing people's lives.


Then, it also needs consistency over a long period of time. 

If you get these three together, you will be successful. It doesn't matter how long it takes at that point, it is all about that word until. If you are passionate about something, and you are providing as much value as you possibly can, sharing your own unique story, the challenges you have had, and being real and caring about people. And you are consistent over a long time.

Then the question comes, where to actually start building?

For Kev, in his journey, he started with YouTube. That was the first platform which Kev started with. The reason why Kev started with YouTube is because he absolutely loves this platform, he loves the fact you can create videos which are there forever, the fact you can share your story, you can be passionate, real, emotional, provide value, be on video, he can share his screen, he can walk around with the camera, and he can be consistent. It is a search engine, meaning content will always be found. If you think of something like Instagram, it is a place full of lots of successful people. 

There are other great platforms which you could use too, such as TikTok, TikTok is one of the latest platforms, when you think about the phases of a platform, something like YouTube is very mature now, they have mastered their algorithm, they have worked out what is a good channel and what is a bad channel, they have really worked out how to find people who are suitable for that channel, and trying to make the experience of the users the best they possibly can. 

YouTube does take some time to get going, you are in a sandbox, you are in a period of time where they don't know you, they don't have any information on you, they don't know whether they can trust you or not. It is the same with Google, if you go onto Google and start your own website, there was a time that they were like TikTok - supply and demand. They need videos, they need so many videos, because there are so many people. And people are just flicking through so many TikToks all the time. So, if you make a TikTok video, that could get hundreds, thousands, tens-of-thousands of views, whereas YouTube is going to take a lot longer.

This is where you have got to decide what kind of content you would want to create, and pick the platform which works best for you. You have to decide who it is that you are talking to, and where are they in their journey. These are really big questions to ask yourself.

white and brown desk globe

The Most Valuable Asset

The most valuable asset is an email address, and there are a couple of reasons for this.

You have got YouTube, you have got Facebook, and you have got TikTok - these are all fantastic, and incredibly valuable. But, YouTube owns your YouTube, Facebook owns your community, and TikToks owns your channel. The only thing which you ultimately own is your website and your email address.

Email addresses are still one of the most valuable assets which you can have, because it cannot be taken from you like the other platforms.

If you are thinking of starting affiliate marketing, have this in mind immediately about what lead magnets you can use and how you can generate email lists.

Further training for Affiliates:

Become an affiliate partner for Systemise Fulfilment:

Further reading:

You Will Fail Affiliate Marketing Without These Two Master Skills

Affiliate Marketing Number One Warning (Don't Do This)

7 Tips to Guarantee Success for Your Online Business

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