At Least 6 Online Business Models To Build Alongside Amazon FBA For Multiple Streams Of Income


In this blog post, we will share with you at least 6 other online business models which you could build alongside Amazon FBA. 

These online business models are fantastic opportunities which you may want to consider. The reason we say, “alongside Amazon FBA” is not because of shiny object syndrome, it is simply about thinking long-term.

Learn more on Shiny Object Syndrome here:


Amazon FBA is an incredible opportunity, whether you have got an online arbitrage business, a retail arbitrage business, a wholesale business or you are doing private label. Whatever you are doing right now, taking advantage of Amazon FBA is fantastic - to be able to start your own business by utilising them is incredible. 

However… We always want to consider long-term - thinking 5 - 10 years ahead.

The online landscape through Amazon - these different online businesses models are constantly changing. So, as the business owner, you have always got to be thinking one step...

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7 Things Successful Amazon Sellers Do



 This blog shares 7 things successful Amazon sellers do. Kev has had the opportunity to meet some great Amazon sellers and hear some amazing stories in interviews of these people having the courage and determination to take massive action in changing their life and their family's lives. Some have been able to quit their jobs and even became 6 and 7 figure sellers. Having all these amazing experiences Kev had wanted to collect them all up and think about some common things which they all do. So... What do they do?

1 – Focus on One Business Model at a Time 

Each of the business models is a fantastic opportunity for you to become successful, whether that is from retail arbitrage tprivate label, wholesale, online arbitrage, or exclusive brand deals. Every one of these business models has the potential for you to become incredibly successful, quit a job and hire team members. It is going to take a lot of your...

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Amazon FBA Wholesale for Beginners: Phone Call Script & Sourcing Through Stock Lists


If you are currently looking at building relationships with wholesale suppliers, you will have to get on phone calls and speak with the sales representatives. In the previous post, we showed "How To Find Wholesale Suppliers For Your Amazon FBA Business?" which can now be put into practice. 

Phone Call Script with Wholesaler Example 

Here is a brief example of a potential conversation that you may have: 

Wholesale Phone Call Objective 

Whenever you are speaking to somebody, your primary objective is to open an account or get the instructions required to open an account. Wholesale is about building a great relationship which can help you build your wholesale business. 

Once you have gone through your wholesale supplier , you may not know any prices or stock at the current moment, you are just wanting to open an account with them. So, the objective is how quickly you can get to the person you need to speak to, what is the...

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How to Find Wholesale Suppliers for Your Amazon FBA Business?


So you want to find wholesale suppliers for your Amazon FBA business? This blog post will share with you how to find them and allow you to start building relationships so you can potentially find profitable products to sell in your business. 

Setting Wholesale Business Foundations  

To give you the best chance to set up your business for success, here are the 3 most important elements to setting up your business foundations and then we will cover them one at a time:

  1. Vision – Your story 
  2. Website, Presence, Email address 
  3. Location, Address  

Sharing Your Vision & Story With Suppliers

You want to represent yourself and your story as a retailer; you want to build some great working relationships with wholesalers.  

You need to have visions for yourself and what you want to represent/what kind of retailer you want to represent, whether it be general retail, specialising in toys, health and beauty or groceries. Whatever it...

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Amazon FBA for Beginners: Retail Arbitrage VS Online Arbitrage VS Wholesale VS Private Label


What is Amazon FBA and What Do They Do? 

So, you have heard about Amazon fulfilment service, which is Amazon FBA – fulfilment by Amazon.  

This is where everyday people, like you and I, are able to ship thousands of products to Amazon fulfilment centres, where they are able to store our products, until you or I make a sale out on Amazon. 

Then, Amazon’s logistics will pick that product, get it shipped to your customer, to Amazon’s customer, the very next day, sometimes within the same day. 

Amazon’s reach now has turned into a multi-billion dollar/pound company, and that’s why people like you and I, take advantage of an amazing opportunity for us to build a business part-time that can go into full-time. 

The different business models on Amazon

You have got different business models out on amazon. These are as follows:

  • Retail Arbitrage...
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