Is it possible to start straight away in wholesale instead of online arbitrage and retail arbitrage on Amazon FBA? That is what this blog post is going to answer today.
Kev got a great question asked on one of his YouTube videos from Midger 55, and it said this, "Great video mate, I've been learning about FBA and OA/RA and wholesale the last months. Was just wondering if it's possible to start straight into wholesale instead of starting up with OA/RA?"
That is a great question and I am going to answer that question here for you here today, because you may right now be thinking that you want to start your Amazon FBA business, and this is something which resonates with you, which you could start as a side-hustle - as a part-time thing. Maybe you want to get out of your career or build a business in eCommerce.
Surface level answer straight away is YES, yes it is possible to get started in wholesale instead of online arbitrage or retail arbitrage. You can start...
Building a Shopify store for your Amazon FBA wholesale business can have a multitude of advantages, and in this blog post, I am going to share with you, and I going to discuss a number of advantages and a number of uses of having a Shopify store which is running alongside your Amazon FBA business, and I am also going to show you we built a website called, and what are the advantages of Systemise Deals has actually been.
So, let's talk about Shopify. Why would you use a separate site away from Amazon FBA? Is it necessary to have an independent website to have a successful wholesale business? No, you don't need to do this, there are going to be some suppliers, contacts and distributors who you are looking to speak to, who may interested in how you operate, have a physical store, or your own website. So, there are going to be times where having your own website makes sense. But there are many suppliers who you don't actually require seeing a website. So,...
We live in an amazing time where we can start a business call Amazon FBA Wholesale. This is going to be the ultimate Wholesale For Beginners 2022 On Amazon FBA blog post, sharing two sourcing strategies where we will talk about finding your FIRST (OR NEXT) product to sell at volume.
Whether that is from home while working full time or even if you have a family with very little time. This blog post will show exactly how to source a winning product to sell in your Amazon FBA Wholesale business.
When it comes to building your wholesale business and looking for your first or next product, which is going to be a winning product which you could sell for potentially months and months, an amazing replenishable product and which meets all the criteria you are looking for, the first thing you need to be aware of is that it is going to be hard - it is hard to find a winning product at wholesale at volume, and that's just the nature of the...
Nobody likes listening to hard truths, especially when they are negative. The hard truth is that not everyone who starts wholesale on Amazon FBA is successful. There are reasons why people starts wholesale, and are not successful.
In this blog post, I want to share with you 10 hard truths why people fail on wholesale. The goal of this blog post is to be able to support you, to be able to encourage you, and you can do this if you have the motivation, the hunger and the drive to take massive action, and make it happen in your business.
Whenever it comes to starting any business, we go in with false expectations. We go in with expectations that it is going to be easy, and things are going to be just the same as online arbitrage. This isn't the case. This is the truth. It is going to take hard work, and you already know this.
If there is anyone who is telling you that it is going to be super easy, and that it is going to change your...
In this blog post, I am going to be sharing with you a few tips and a few personal experiences on wholesale, and why you should get started. If you are doing online arbitrage at the moment, and you are thinking of doing wholesale, I am going to be sharing a few tips which are going to be helpful.
Once of the first things when you are looking at starting wholesale is people will be saying that you need a lot of money, or that you need a lot of capital, and wholesale is a massive game...
Wholesale is a massive game, but there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to follow an online arbitrage approach to wholesale. There are many different wholesales who have a minim order quantity of minimum value of 200 - 300 pounds, so really, you do not need a lot of money to get started.
For pallet shipping, it can be a lot cheaper than using UPS. Your cost shipping via UPS to Amazon is going to be around 25p and 33p, depending on...
Every online arbitrage and wholesale business needs this.... Can you guess what it it? Everyone that has been able to be successful in this business model over the years have done so because they began to build TEAMS.
TEAMS is what allows you to get all the tasks done every day that you need to get done. There are not enough hours in the day to get everything done that we need to do. Here are just some of the tasks we need to do:
Sourcing profitable products, reviewing profitable products, purchasing profitable products, unfulfillable products, inventory adjustments, repricing, replenishing, amazon seller central account health and much much more. How do we manage this? THROUGH TEAMS.
In this blog post, I am going to be sharing the steps of how to get this in your business. If you are building an online arbitrage business today, then this absolutely needs to be part of your vision for the future, whether that is right now, next month, next quarter, whatever it is, your goals...
In this blog post, you are going to learn the major insights on opening 3 wholesale accounts over the space of 24 hours, and that has been the result over the last 8 weeks of building a relationship, seeking out and finding these wholesalers, to the point where I say opened up accounts, it means that we now have an account with the wholesalers, we can place orders with the wholesalers, and even have phone numbers, where you can get on the phone right now, make a call, and speak about your account, and place an order on any amount of products that we desire (If they have it in stock).
The journey really started seriously in August 2018, and and it was the beginning of August, when Kev was invited to the FBA Academy, which is a seller conference that is held every year by Andy Laurence from wholesale, and he invited Kev there to speak and share our journey, what they had done over the last 3 years within their operations at the time. He had a presentation about wholesale, and...
In this blog post, I am going to share with you a checklist for exclusive brand deals. And the goal behind this blog post, is to help you, if you are interested in getting exclusive brand deals, and some of the things Kev has personally been thinking about, as we move into the future of Amazon.
There are a number of different business models, which you can take action on in building your eCommerce business, your Amazon FBA business, and these business models span from retail arbitrage (going into stalls and scanning items), online arbitrage (Going online on different sites, and comparing the products that you can store at discount or clearance, on offer onto the Amazon marketplace, to see if you can flip those products and sell them for a profit), then there is also wholesale (Where you can go to a trade show, or you can open different wholesale accounts, general wholesalers, whether that is a toy wholesaler, a grocery wholesaler, or a general...
The first business model, the first phase in any eCommerce business on Amazon, is getting started with online arbitrage or retail arbitrage. These two are the lowest regarding difficulty and protection, which is why it is much easier to learn and make mistakes in these two business models, because it may not have a disastrous impact on your business.
For example, if you are only just getting started with retail and online arbitrage, you are going to learn a lot of the basics such as what is a winning product, what tools you need and how to analyse keeper. Phase one is all about what the milestones are in your life and your business.
If you would like to learn more about online arbitrage, then press on the link:
Online Arbitrage For Beginners STEP BY STEP Full Course Part 1: Amazon FBA Business Overview
Here Kev goes through in...
This blog post will share talking all things wholesale in your Amazon FBA business, specifically answering the questions, when to start wholesale and how to start wholesale.
This blog post is for those who are potentially wanting to get started in wholesale, and if you have never sold in your Amazon FBA wholesale before, this is going to give you some great advice and tips that Kev has personally learnt over the past nearly 6 years building his Amazon FBA business.
The quick and straightforward answer to this question is immediately – start wholesale as soon as you can. It all ultimately comes down to what your goals are. What are your goals? Is your goal your Amazon FBA business to be your business, where you can build it into an asset for you to maybe gain some freedom and quit your job and to be able to build a team?
check out our...
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