Welcome to day four of the five day eCommerce Super Affiliate challenge where today in day four, we have an amazing day ahead of us, we are talking all about traffic strategies, we're going to cover everything when it comes to generating traffic to your affiliate marketing business that will allow you to actually get people to visit your irresistible offer.
We are super, super excited to help you generate your first or next affiliate commissions. And that's why this whole thing is completely free, no opt in required. We're publishing this out on YouTube. We're in the Facebook group, the community, lots of questions, lots of people going on this journey together. This is the five day eCommerce Super Affiliate challenge where I want you to become a super affiliate. What does that mean? That means being able to generate commissions in your affiliate business, whether that is something that you want to really go into and ramp up and scale. Or if it's a supplementary way, a complementary way of funding your core business that can help you with cash flow, and help you generate more cash that you can invest in your main business. And it can pay you months and months and years to come into the future. By implementing everything that we've spoken about so far. So let's get started. So as always, we're going to start with an overview, this is the fourth overview.
If you have missed day 1 and 2, or 3, make sure you check them out here: https://www.systemisefulfilment.co.uk/blog/day-1-ecommerce-super-affiliate-marketing-challenge-2022
The first thing we're going to cover is we're talking about traffic, we're going to be talking about traffic strategies.
So we're going to start with what traffic is, and give you a definition, then I'm going to share with you the different types of traffic.
Number three is how content is actually found online.
Number four, we're going to be talking about an optimised content blueprint.
And then, number five is content ideas. And then we're going to share I'm going to share with you a content creation multiplayer strategy, where you can really really ramp up the content that you're creating, and generate in your 100s, 1000s of potential people that can find your content.
Over, the last six years now, we've created over 1000 videos, we have hundreds of podcasts, we've got hundreds of articles, we've got lots of stories, across all our platforms, we have so many of our online assets, working for rules all the time, and this is what I'm going to be sharing with you. So by the end of day four, what I'm going to share with you is what people would have in paid courses, the paid courses out there, the premium courses, the people that are charging you 500, 1000, this is what's in those courses and giving it to you completely for free.
So the first question, what is traffic? You may have heard this term already, like generating traffic, traffic strategies. How can you know what traffic actually means? In terms of online traffic. What it basically means is traffic equals people.
The reason why they call it traffic is because if you go back to the the first couple of days, we were talking about, you know, the whole analogy of a motorway highway, a road where usually you've got cars, but where, as you know, we're talking about this people on this highway, and this highway, this motorway, and this dual carriageway, whatever you want to call this, the people, millions, billions of people, they are going into Facebook, they're going into onto YouTube, they're going onto Google, they're going onto TikTok, they are your online assets, there's already traffic go into all them. So what is traffic online? It is essentially people.
Everything from health and fitness, to relationships, to business to finances, the list goes on and on and on Hobbies, medical, there's so many different niches, there's so many different categories of what people are looking for online, you know, what the traffic is what people are actually looking for. But for rules, especially from an eCommerce perspective, we're not targeting everybody; if you remember what we've seen about who, and where, you know, we're we are not talking about like, 7 billion people, we've really sort of bringing this down to what people are we actually interested in. So we're not talking about all 7 billion people, we're not talking about from an eCommerce perspective, we're not talking about health and fitness and relationships, we're not talking about them, and where we are in.
Monetise in the platforms like Facebook like YouTube is through the second type. This is how YouTube gets paid, this is how Facebook gets paid - ads from paid traffic. These are the two different types, free traffic and paid traffic. Ultimately, it is free traffic, such as you creating a video out on YouTube, optimising that content, optimising that video, optimising your blog post, optimising whatever, whatever you've started to create, which is what we're gonna be talking about in this. It's free, it hasn't cost you to upload this to YouTube at this moment in time, it's not cost anything, it's free traffic, once that video has been published, it can be found forever be free. All those paid traffic, this is where somebody can put 100 pounds, $100, 1000 pounds, or $1,000, into Facebook ads, and actually advertise into YouTube ads, and actually advertise into Google ads, and advertise whereas, organic traffic is going to take some time to build up, you know, this is over time. In terms of paid traffic, you can you can just, you know, you can turn it on, right, you can turn it on, you can you can go from literally no traffic to as much as you willing to pay for with just paying for it. Now, there's pros and cons to each of these, the obvious pros and cons. free traffic, in my opinion is the most, that is the best traffic, it's the most organic, it's the most stable, it's the most long term traffic that there is because over time, you're working hard.
And you're building up. that graph is just going up. And it's going to continue to go up in a nice gradient. It can't slow down. Whereas paid traffic, you can turn it on. You could put 100,000 pounds into Facebook ads. But as soon as I stop paying for it, it's going to drop off a cliff, the minute I stopped paying, that's really the the difference between the two types of traffic is free, it is paid. And you want to utilise long term, each of these depending on budget, what your resources ultimately are. But for the purpose of this to get started, we are talking about free traffic. This is where Kev started, and this is where Kev thinks is the long the best way of long term building your business. And later on, when the time comes and you want to work with budgets, that's going to be a completely different, it's a different skill set altogether, because now you are actually designing funnels, you're trying to design well. Facebook ads with pixels and the journey of the the customer or the people you're trying to attract. It's cold. You're trying to find people to come to you. This is a big, big conversation just impede so we're talking about free traffic. So it's not costing you anything. That's why Kev absolutely loves affiliate marketing.
There is there's there's really like two, there's two major ways of of content being found. The first one is SEO, you may have heard of this term before. It is basically search engine optimisation. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. What does that mean? Well, that's going to become very, very clear. When we start talking about what platforms that we're actually working on. We are on YouTube at this moment in time we are on.
If you think of Google, when you think of Amazon, these are all search engines people are going to use to search for specific terms. These are called keywords, keyword search terms, which is basically people go in onto these platforms like YouTube, like Google, and they are searching for a term. So SEO basically means that you are optimising for that particular search engine These are this is just you optimising for keywords on the search engine.
Now, before we go a little bit further here, there is another term, there is another way of being found online, which has become more and more relevant in the last few years.
What is that? It is basically recommended content. This is where platforms like YouTube, they have got to know people they have gotten years and years of experience, they've got years and years of your history.
What type of content do you like? What are you watching? Are you watching lots of affiliate marketing videos? Are you watching lots of Amazon FBA videos? Are you watching different channels? It used to be all about subscribers, and it all used to be about you subscribe to our YouTube channel, and you'll see everything you'd be notified about everything. But now, these platforms have started to become a lot more advanced. And they know your history, they know your search history, and therefore they've got very, very good at having recommended content.
So before we go into content creation ideas and what you can actually start to create this is a quick optimised content blueprint. So you want to be as optimised as you possibly can for every piece of content, and every piece of content wants to have a bit of a flow for that content. And you also want to, before you get to this path, you're going to want to have a couple of things. You want to think about the title, like what is the title of your video, the piece of content, the the podcast etc.
So if you just have a boring title, unfortunately, you're not going to get any clicks. If you have a buzzword, if you have something like braking of failure, insane, heated or whatever it might be a title, you want to start thinking about different adjectives on how you can describe the the title of your video, you also want to think about the thumbnail.
I'm not going to go into too much depth about the thumbnails because there are lots of YouTube channels and things sharing much more about how to really do this and graphics etc, but there's a big difference between when somebody's never seen you before, and all they see is a title and a thumbnail.
And if you can make your title as click worthy as possible, if you can have a thumbnail, as interesting as possible, people are more likely to click, that's why you see like some of Kev's YouTube thumbnails where he is close up to the camera, and making a face. Because when people see a photo of somebody with their eyes wide open or mouth wide open or like like that, or whatever it might be, they're more than likely to actually click.
Once you've got your title and you've got your thumbnail, you can then go into the flow of the video. So these are the four things that Kev would recommend:
Have some type of introduction to the video and try to hook somebody straight away. So if the title is, for example, this affiliate marketing challenge, Kev would say something like, "in this video, we are going to talk about day four of the Affiliate Marketing Challenge where we're going to, you're going to learn everything to do with traffic generation building lots and lots of traffic this month, next month, in years and years and years to come." Trying to hawk then, in terms of a video.
Who Are You?
The second thing is have a quick introduction. Once you've introduced the video, then say something along the lines of, "If this is the first time you're seeing me, my name is Kev and over the last few years, I've been building my own online business, where we've been taking massive action was able to quit our jobs. And now my mission is to support you do exactly the same. And you're gonna learn everything to do with eCommerce Systems team building. So if you are interested in subscribing, make sure to subscribe" ask them to share whatever you want to do. One, two or three of them don't really matter.
Epic Value
You want to then provide that epic value of what you promised in the title in the thumbnail, because if you don't start talking about what that particular title and thumbnail is all about; if you had an affiliate marketing video title, and you started to talk about that it's sunny outside, that you didn't have a great week last week or I started talking about something completely random. You're not providing the value and one of the things that's super important is trying to keep people engaged trying to keep them on the platform's watching videos. So the more people are enjoying the videos, engaging in the videos, watching the videos, participating in the videos, then that's going to help so that's where the epic value actually is.
Call to Action
Then at the end, once you've actually finished providing the content, you want to do a call to action. If you want to recommend a another video or a playlist or the affiliate, the affiliate service or the affiliate product that you're referring to, then maybe that's what you do at the end as well.
You actually have a call to action specifically for that, but always think about the platform that you're on. So if you're on if you're on YouTube, YouTube wants to keep people on YouTube. So you've got to be just quite careful on bringing them off YouTube, and you want to do this not as often as every single video, but you do want to keep them as optimised as you can for what YouTube want.
So if you can get them to watch a playlist, if you can get them to watch the next video, or the next video that's related to it, that's going to help. So this just gives you have a bit of an overview on you starting to think about some content for the first time.
This content idea is going to be based on silos. Silos is you being able to work towards short tail keywords using a lot of long term keywords.
So, an online arbitrage version could be the short tail keyword. That's the short tail, that is the main keyword of online arbitrage because that's the name of online arbitrage. But within online arbitrage, you could have sourcing online, you could add a source in online arbitrage you can have purchasing, you could have shipping, and you could have financials. These are all long tail keywords that are related to an ultimate short tail keyword.
Within sourcing, you could also have a virtual assistant source in online arbitrage, you could have tactical arbitrage sourcing online arbitrage, so that you have got even further keywords which people are searching for within sourcing.
Within purchasing, you could have credit. Within shipping, you could have warehouses and prep services.
Once you have all of these, you have become what they call an authority. You are becoming an authority within an industry, because of the silo structure and creating different contents.
How can you multiple a piece of content into many pieces of content? This is where systems come in.
If you have one piece of content, how can you make one into as many pieces of content as you can from that one piece of content?
Let's say, for example, you start off by creating a video which is one hour long. Well, from that video, you have now got audio, which you can now publish to your podcast, you can turn this into a blog post. That one piece of content has now been turned into three different pieces of content.
What else can you do? You can split these up into ten minute videos, then all of a sudden, you have got six ten minute videos. Now you have nine pieces of content already. With that, you can now put posts out on your social media pages and share for traction.
Further training for Affiliates:
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Further reading:
You Will Fail Affiliate Marketing Without These Two Master Skills
Affiliate Marketing Number One Warning (Don't Do This)
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