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Systemise Group Ultimate Vision Update - May 2023đź’ˇ

Coming into 2023 with difficult market conditions, raising costs (energy costs, waste costs, insurance costs, security costs etc) and the high complexity of what we are working hard to achieve, we set ambitious targets that requires a collaborative synergy between our team and our partners around the world. 

To navigate any storm successfully, you will always be stronger together and therefore we haven’t just continued with our core values and beliefs, we have doubled (quadrupled) our efforts to remain true in our ultimate vision. 

Our decision making filtering system is based on long term success in 2030, not 2023. We believe by acting on a guiding philosophy of “short term urgency, long term patience”, it leads us to act logically to the needs of tomorrow, while building a massive action ecosystem of today.

Therefore, in 2023 alone, we have:

  • Invested heavily into our foundations and infrastructure. Advancing our technologies, processes and systems to...
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Systemise Fulfilment Business Excellence Awards 2023 Finalist




Scunthorpe, Tuesday 18th April 2023  

The Lincolnshire Business Excellence Awards 2023 has proudly announced its finalists, highlighting the exceptional work of local businesses across the county.

Systemise Fulfilment becomes a finalist for "Business Innovation / Innovator Of The Year" 

Richard Edwards, Events Manager at MyLocal Lincolnshire, shared the news with Kevin Blackburn, Director of Systemise Fulfilment, on Monday 17th April 2023 commenting "I am delighted to extend my warmest congratulations to you and the entire team at Systemise Fulfilment for being named as a finalist in the esteemed Lincolnshire Business Excellence Awards 2023. You have been shortlisted in the Business Innovation/Innovator of the Year category. This is an incredible achievement, particularly given the fierce competition this year, with over a 30% increase in participants compared to 2022. ...

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Structuring Exclusive Brand Deals Correctly For Your Amazon FBA Business


In this blog post we are going to talk about exclusive brand deals in your Amazon FBA business and specifically how to structure these deals with brands which you are potentially wanting to work with. This comes from a fantastic question which Kev got on the YouTube channel, and it was from Solodolo, and it said this: "I would kill for a video on how to structure your brand exclusives. Especially if you are bringing someone's brand to Amazon for the first time. Who pays for ads and media and what not? Should you take a percentage of sales to create a "we make money when you make money deal". Or should you just wholesale the products and do everything. with the promise of being the only person carrying them on amazon ?"

This is a fantastic comment. This conversation is a really great conversation because it is talking about fundamentally structuring the agreement that you have, and how to structure and position the working relationship which you have with the brand. 


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Amazon FBA For Beginners: Should You Skip Online Arbitrage And Go Straight to Wholesale?


Is it possible to start straight away in wholesale instead of online arbitrage and retail arbitrage on Amazon FBA? That is what this blog post is going to answer today. 

Kev got a great question asked on one of his YouTube videos from Midger 55, and it said this, "Great video mate, I've been learning about FBA and OA/RA and wholesale the last months. Was just wondering if it's possible to start straight into wholesale instead of starting up with OA/RA?"

That is a great question and I am going to answer that question here for you here today, because you may right now be thinking that you want to start your Amazon FBA business, and this is something which resonates with you, which you could start as a side-hustle - as a part-time thing. Maybe you want to get out of your career or build a business in eCommerce. 

Surface level answer straight away is YES, yes it is possible to get started in wholesale instead of online arbitrage or retail arbitrage. You can start...

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How To Make More Money (Do This Everyday)


Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. This is a lesson, a life philosophy, which Kev was taught for the very first time back in 2015 from a gentleman named Jim Rohns, and he had gone through 25 years of his life, going through school, college, university, and nobody had said it to him in that way. And so, I am going to be breaking down this for you in this blog post. 

"Work harder on yourself than you do on your job". When Kev first heard this, he thought to himself how this is backwards from what he was taught. It was work hard on your job, and work hard on your business. But when you think about it, he added the next philosophy, which was, "You get paid for the value you provide to the marketplace". This means that you are not being paid for the time, but for the value which you give to your employer or marketplace. You get paid for the value, not time. 

man operating laptop on top of table

So, when it comes to making more money every single day, the more you invest in yourself - the more you...

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How Kev Sold His FIRST Online Information Product While He Was Asleep


How Kev generated his first online income from information-based product and exactly what impact that had to Kev and his life. This blog post is going to share with you exactly the process which Kev went through, and show how you can take advantage of creating an information-based product/a knowledge-based product, and how you can make that available online, where someone somewhere in the world could purchase, whether you are asleep, at work, on holiday, whether you are going out for a meal with your loved ones - 24/7, 365, you could create an information-based product which someone could purchase, which you have created once, and it can generate you income, and give you more freedom. Ultimately, this blog post is going to share with you the processes which Kev went through.

person holding smartphone

Historically and traditionally any type of education has been through formal education, going through schools, colleges and universities or apprenticeships. But what has been happening over the last 10-15 years...

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Interested In Helping Other People? How To Become A Coach Or A Mentor? (Sharing Kev's Experiences)


This blog post is going to share with you the biggest tips and biggest lessons which Kev has learned over the last 7 years, being a coach and mentor to other people, and having the privilege to work with individuals, groups of people who have looked to Kev to achieve the goals in their lives. If you are currently thinking that you want to become a coach, or you would love to be a mentor to people, and if you have something in you which is telling you that you want to support people and that you want to make a difference, if you love contributing, and you love making an impact, then I can ensure you, one of the most fulfilling aspects of what Kev has the pleasure in doing is not just to be a mentor and coach of his business, but to also have the pleasure of being able to speak to individuals and help them achieve the goals in their lives. 

How to Offer Yourself As A Coach

First and foremost, what Kev did to be able to offer himself as a coach, every early on...

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How To Increase Margins In Your Amazon FBA Business


In this blog post, I am going to be telling you how you can increase margins in your Amazon FBA business, even during a recession, and how you can have compounded growth during these times, instead of just focusing on survival. How can you thrive during these times instead of just surviving during these times? How can you step up, take massive action, be the leader of your business, so that you can come out at the other end of this having a more optimised business, a more systemised business, a more streamlined business, having a great, experienced team who is competent, with you, and taking massive action in your business. How can you know more and more about your business coming out of a recession, rather than potentially going into a recession. This is the time where recessions force businesses to evolve, to adapt, to be resourceful, or they won't make it.

So this blog post is going to share with you at leas 12 areas within your business, which you can focus on today right now...

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Amazon FBA Wholesale For Beginners 2022 - Building a Shopify Store and Its Advantages


Building a Shopify store for your Amazon FBA wholesale business can have a multitude of advantages, and in this blog post, I am going to share with you, and I going to discuss a number of advantages and a number of uses of having a Shopify store which is running alongside your Amazon FBA business, and I am also going to show you we built a website called, and what are the advantages of Systemise Deals has actually been. 

So, let's talk about Shopify. Why would you use a separate site away from Amazon FBA? Is it necessary to have an independent website to have a successful wholesale business? No, you don't need to do this, there are going to be some suppliers, contacts and distributors who you are looking to speak to, who may interested in how you operate, have a physical store, or your own website. So, there are going to be times where having your own website makes sense. But there are many suppliers who you don't actually require seeing a website. So,...

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Time To Thrive Challenge 2022 | FREE TICKET | Register Now


Did you get your invitation to Dean Graziosi’s and Tony Robbins’ only FREE event this year? 

In this video and blog post, you will learn everything you need to know about the Time To Thrive Challenge. 

What You Need To Know About The Time To Thrive Challenge?

In just 5 days, unlock Tony, Dean & our special guests' exact 5-step blueprint to not just survive in a world filled with uncertainty… but to THRIVE in your career, impact lives & secure your future. Save your free seat while you still can!

What: The Time To Thrive Challenge

When: August 2nd to 6th

Cost: FREE (yes, ZERO unless you upgrade to VIP here)

Hosts: Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins

Special Guests: Matthew McConaughey, Jenna Kutcher, Russell Brunson, Brendon Burchard, Lisa Nichols, Glo Atanmo, Alex Hormozi, Rachel Miller

This is the most important decision of the year for anyone who doesn’t want to ride the roller coaster of wherever the world is...

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