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Celebrating Inspirational Female Founder Spotlight: Kylie Thomas đź’ˇ

Our very own Co-Founder & Director, Kylie, has been featured in “The Successful Founder & Female Founder Magazine IWD 22 Inspirational Female Founder Top 200” 🙂
In the week of International Women’s Day, we are proud of all our amazing team where we have incredibly talented, skilled and passionate women in multiple disciplines and fields across our operation ⚙️
A wonderful achievement and wish to mark a wonderful day this week proudly sharing Kylies feature and interview which you can read here: 
 Some of the photo's capturing Kylie's journey since 2015. 
Kylie starting our business from our Living Room in 2015
Kylie and Kev when we moved into our first 2,000SqFT warehouse in 2016
Kylie managing our great team while building our operations
Kylie when we featured in local news telegraph...
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Affiliate Marketing Number One Warning (Don't Do This)


So, you are interested in affiliate marketing, great! Well...In this blog post, I am going to be sharing with you the number one warning when it comes to affiliate marketing. Ultimately, I want you to be successful, and if you do this, then you will not be successful, and this is one of the key things which Kev has personally learned over the last 5-6 years, and  learning everything he can when it comes to affiliate marketing.

My goal here is to share with you this number one warning, set you up for long-term massive success in your affiliate journey.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the process of recommending a product or a service to others, via a referral link, which is signed and tracked to you, and if you have a potential prospect or a potential person who you are talking to, go through your link, and sign up to that product or service, then, if they have an affiliate programme, then you would get a commission. 

Affiliate marketing is a...

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You Will Fail Affiliate Marketing Without These Two Master Skills


In this blog post, you are going to learn the 2 master skills, when it comes to affiliate marketing. Throughout this entire blog post, I want to share with you what these 2 master skills are, share with you how you can introduce them into your business, and ultimately, take your affiliate marketing off the ground and get started, or even take your affiliate marketing business to the next level.

These 2 master skills, if done correctly, can make a significant difference in the success of your efforts when it comes to affiliate marketing.

Firstly.... What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the process of you getting a commission if you recommend a product or a service to someone else, who then go through your unique traffic link, then the product or service which you are recommending or promoting, is then tracked that you got that potential customer. What this allows you to do is make some income without actually having a product or service yourself. You may be using some...

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How to Overcome Fear


In this blog post, I am going to be talking about a topic that impacts us all, and that is how to overcome fear of the future, the unknown, your life, and your business. The point of this blog post, is for me to share some of the things which Kev has come to learn to face up to a fear, and really being aware of his insecurities - why he is feeling scared or worried taking an action.

Since 2015, Kev, Kylie and the team have been going into the unknown, as they took the leap into entrepreneurship. Fear can come in all parts of life; becoming a parent, taking a new job, starting a relationship, starting a business, or quitting your job. 

There is a lot in life, especially after all we have gone through e.g, the pandemic, COVID-19, the uncertainty of what's happening - inflation, rising costs, difficulties, schools, and just trying to live everyday life - navigating and trying to manage everything, which may feel like the weight of the world on your shoulders. Amongst...

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3 Tips To Ensure You Achieve Your Goals


In this blog post, I am going to be talking about how you can achieve your goals. It is important for you to be motivated and inspired so that you can achieve these goals that you set for yourself at the beginning of the year.

In this blog post, I am going to be talking specifically on how you can achieve your goals, give yourself the best opportunity and chance to achieve the goals that you set for yourself.

A lot of people, in February, only 2 months later, have already started to give up on the goals which they have set themselves for their New Year's Revolutions, and there are some really specific and crucial reasons for that - people simply get discouraged, and they fall back into their day and day living.

You Have to Make It a Must

You have to get to a point where you make it a must. That is the most critical aspect of you achieving anything. If you make it a must - if you make anything a must, it will happen.

How does that happen? How do you make something a must? That is...

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Online Marketing For Non-Tech-Savvy Entrepreneurs

So you call yourself an entrepreneur? 

That’s great! Only occasionally are there people who have the guts to take their financial future into their own hands or launch a business in today’s digital landscape. 

However, the world of entrepreneurship isn’t what it used to be! 

Today, rather than using traditional advertising and marketing techniques, like billboards advertisements or TV commercials, it’s increasingly important for businesses to rely on digital marketing and an active online presence to connect them with their target audience. 

Now, for the non-tech-savvy entrepreneurs out there reading this, I can already hear you saying, “Online marketing? No thanks! I’ll stick to my newspaper ads.” 

But I’m here to tell you that online marketing is nowhere near as complicated as it may seem and that it is crucial to your success in today’s digital marketplace.  

What Is Online Marketing? 


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5 Simple Yet Powerful Online Arbitrage Rapid Growth Strategies


So you are looking to take your online arbitrage business to the next level? This blog post is going to reveal to you 5 rapid growth strategies which you can implement within your online arbitrage business. 

Each of these strategies i am going to share with you, are a fantastic opportunity for you to take a step back from your business, potentially get a whiteboard out or a pen and paper, or even just go on your laptop and really brainstorm and mind map every single one of these strategies on what actions you are going to take, and where you need to focus your attention in your online business. 

More Inventory - Expanding Products Available For Sale 

Make the library of your inventory bigger. Think about it, if you are going to grow your online arbitrage business, you need to find more products. So, when you are doing this mind map, in the centre of it, "have more products". If you can go from having 10 different  products in stock, to having 100 different...

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7 Tips to Guarantee Success for Your Online Business

Are you looking to start an online business? If so, you're in for a lot of hard work! Setting up a business is never easy, but it can be a very rewarding experience. It’s easy to make some mistakes which is why you need to take time to find out what the right steps are.

Here we will give you some tips on how to set your business up for maximum success. Follow these tips and you'll be well on your way to making your business a success! Let’s get started with our first tip.

Make a Business Plan

The first thing you need to do before starting your business is to create a business plan. This document will outline your business goals, strategies, and how you plan on achieving them. Without a business plan, it will be very difficult to make your business successful.

The reason for this to a plan helps you have a clear idea of the path ahead. It helps to focus minds and allows you to achieve your goals.

person writing bucket list on book

Get Organized

In order to be successful, you need to be organized. This...

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5 Simple Rules to Boost Your Productivity as a Business Owner

Productivity can be the downfall of a business. You may have the best business idea in the world, but lack the discipline and know-how to remain focused and work productively. This doesn’t come naturally to everyone but we have listed five simple tips below that will help boost your productivity!

 No social media or internet during work hours

Social media, the internet, and smartphones can be detrimental to productivity. How often do you check your phone as you work? How long do you spend scrolling through social media feeds, or looking at recommended YouTube videos? 

If you want to be productive, you must try to reduce distractions like these. A simple way to do this is to put your personal phone away during work hours, and only keep essential items/apps on your work phone. You could also request that your team members do this also. However, to keep a great level of morale, your team should be permitted to use their personal phones and the internet during breaks!

blue red and green letters illustration


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Top 5 Success Principles To Take Your Life & Business To The Next Level


In this blog post, I am going to be sharing with you the top 5 success principles to take your life and business to the next level. What are the top principles for you to focus on, which are going to change your life? This is ultimately what it is all about. If you stick and focus on these all the time, you are going to improve your life!

Take 100% Responsibility In Your Life

The first principle to share is to take 100% responsibility in your life. Wherever you are right now, it doesn't matter if you are winning or losing, whether you are in a good or bad place, you have got to take 100% responsibility for where you are; the actions you have taken in your life, has got you to this point.

Once you can take 100% responsibility for your own life, this means that you are looking internal not external, and at this point, you will focus on what you are doing, not what other people are doing. 

Decide What You Want

Whatever you have done up until this point, wherever you are right...

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